Making an expedition, there are many factors that can guarantee that the experience is a success or not. Therefore, is the physical conditioning, security measures, the destination and the agency that is going to make sure that the entire trip is unforgettable, it is also essential to pay attention to what is necessary to carry in your luggage.

In today’s note, we want to share whish are the outdoor implements that you should take with you to ensure your adventure is unique.

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What should you bring to an outdoor adventure?

Well-packed luggage can directly affect the way your trip turns out. Although many times this is not the first item on the list of priorities, the reality is that many mountaineers and hikers have given their testimony about the great difference that carrying the right luggage makes.

Here are some key tips to keep in mind:

– Choose the right backpack: before you start packing, you have to choose the perfect backpack. For that, it is important to consider how long the trip lasts, what type of climate there is in the region and what is the recommended weight according to the activity. Once you are clear on these aspects, we suggest you go to a specialized store and tell the seller what your requirements are. With this information, you can get the backpack that best suits your adventure destination.

– Take only the essentials: before packing, make a list of all the essential elements that you do or should take with you (this information can be provided by the adventure tourism agency). Remember the priority is your safety and avoiding unnecessary weight, so you should avoid overpacking.

– Keep in mind the layers: once you have chosen the elements that you are going to take with you, you can lay everything out on a flat surface and start sorting the objects to organize by layers.

– In the lower layer of the backpack are the things that are not essential during the walk. For example, sleeping implements.

– The heaviest elements are located in the middle layer, with the aim of maintaining a good gravity center.

– In the upper layer you should put those items that you will need more frequently, to be able to access them more quickly and avoid excessively long pauses.

– Additionally, to these three layers, many backpacks have side pockets. Here it is recommended to bring water and small snacks.

– Remember to keep a good organization: to ensure that all your gears go safely inside the backpack, you can apply some organization techniques, very practical. For example, the use of zip lock bags, dry bags or packing cells.

As an extra tip, we recommend to bring some kind of protection to waterproof your belongings and prevent them from getting wet. This may include a liner, backpack cover, or waterproof bags to protect specific items separately.

Essentials for your adventure expedition

Now t you know how you should dispose of your belongings to have an unforgettable experience, it is important to know what are the essential items that you should consider for your trip. While not all expeditions are created equal, these are basic items that can be considered for most situations:

– Clothes and shoes

It is important to consider the following items:

– Waterproof.

– Cotton shirts, as they help with the absorption of sweat during physical activity.

– Long-sleeved shirt, either for change or in case of cold weather.

– Short and long pants.

– Cap.

– Shoes suitable for the activity.

– Sleeping implements

It is recommended to bring a sleeping bag in case of having to spend the night outdoors or in case of any kind of mishap. Please note that depending on the weather, the material and type of sleeping bag may vary.

– Personal hygiene and first aid

It is important to carry in the backpack the following implements:

– A small first aid kit.

– Compact towel.

– Sunscreen.

– Insect repellent.

– Compact personal hygiene kit.

– Documentation and cash

Finally, assign a special and protected space for your travel documents and some cash. Remember, making a remote expedition there are going to be certain resources, you are going to do without, so it is always better to be prepared for all kinds of eventualities.

We invite you to read: List of equipment that you must have for our «adventure experiences»

If you are looking for your new adventure tourism destination in Chile, remember at Tolhuin Expeditions we have a wide range of activities to carry out expeditions in exceptional places. Our locations include sightings of glaciers, volcanoes, trips to the mountains and many other natural treasures waiting for you to discover them.