Tourism is among the second most profitable economic activity in the world and it is growing exponentially. This is certainly good news. The bad news is that as tourism activities increase, the pollution growth too. More precisely, as mentioned by the United Nations, the amount of waste caused by a tourist is about 1 kilogram per day.

Against this background, responsible and sustainable tourism is born, precisely from the awareness of the existence of this thorny problem, and the attempt to solve it.

Why is sustainable tourism important?

The objective of sustainable tourism is to promote the knowledge and local cultures and traditions, respecting the environment and the life systems of the host countries, territories and populations.

Applying these principles, it is possible to maintain a balance between the beauty of sharing “local resources” with the world and the need to preserve them for future generations, increasing the quality of life of residents and making the experiences lived unique and unforgettable. For the tourists.

Tourism cannot and should not be synonymous of pollution, and generate increase in prices, cost of living, environmental degradation and identity lost and traditions. the real tourist is the one who helps to preserve and sustain culture and natural environment as well as architectural beauties of places he chooses to visit caring those treasures for next generations

Sustainable tourism benefits

Tourism fits and influences a plurality of dynamics linked one to each other. So, there are many benefit aspects from sustainable tourism. We will tell you about them below.

– Environmental sustainability

Tourism has a great impact in terms of CO2 emissions and, with the increase in tourist’s numbers, the ecological footprint is destined to grow. Airplanes and cruise ships are the most polluting media. Let’s think about the number of flights and cruises that each one of us use to leave.

Sustainable tourism, for one side, respects the environment and landscapes, caring them and contributing to their protection. It helps to reduce CO2 emissions, slowing down climate change. The choice of alternative means of travel is undoubtedly the basis of this kind of tourism. Bicycles, electric cars, sailboats. This choice offers the possibility of preserving various natural and historical beauties from everywhere in the world.

– Ecotourism generates employment

From a social point of view, sustainable tourism has contributed to create new job opportunities in South America and around the world. In fact, many people have found work in the sustainable hospitality industry, as well as eco-travel experiences, eco-itineraries, tour guides, and much more.

Therefore, sustainable tourism generates employment. As the environment is a fundamental element for tourist activity, the income is used for the growth of local businesses themselves, improving a better life living creating new job opportunities.

– Green tourism defends local traditions and the authenticity of their places

Thanks to the development of sustainable tourism, in the recent years some or less famous areas of Chile have become known, promoted as ecotourism destinations, improving their authenticity, local culture. natural parks, and areas that have been freer from pollution. We believe that it can definitely promote the development of the traditions of our country as well as nature beauty a whole.
we true believe that the environment is the key of sustainable tourist activities, therefore, the income obtained from tourism can be used to grow local businesses, improving the quality of life of the places and their authenticity.

– Responsible tourism contributes to the growth of the economy

Responsible tourism contributes to the growth of the economy and generates new income. In some countries, taxes related to the activities are converted into public money that can be reinvested in economic growth.

– Thanks to tourism, infrastructure is improved

In addition, sustainable tourism contributes to the improvement of infrastructures, which increase the quality of life of the people who live there. Destinations that have focused on sustainable tourism have, in fact, implemented some urban improvements.

As you can see, there are several reasons why choosing sustainable tourism, over traditional tourism, is a responsible and very beneficial decision. Bearing this in mind, we invite you to opt for environmentally and socially sustainable alternatives on your adventure tourism trips in Chile.

At Tolhuin we understand the impact we can have with our outdoor expeditions; therefore, we contribute to the collective awareness of the need to protect the natural heritage and the environment, through mountain trips oriented to the knowledge and care of ecosystems.